Pharmaceutical Traceability Solution | ZAUQ GROUP


Pharma Trax offer product categories based on speed requirements and capex. The product categorized into different levels based on printing GS1 compliant codes, scanning using industrial scanners, vision systems and Verification of the printed codes based on that making decision of PASS or FAIL. Failed products go into Rejection bin with automated Rejection System.

Features Overview

Some of the Features that are gonna blow your mind off
Responsive Layout

Authentic Product

Pharma Trax offering a digital solution to transform Pharmaceutical Supply Chain by providing Genuine Product Assurance check by using Mobile App.

Retina Graphics

Pharmaceutical Regulatory Serialization Requirements

Pharma Trax offering compliant solution of GS1 2D Data Matrix Serialization for Drug Traceability with current regulatory requirements, having adaptability to meet future regulatory requirements.

Powerful Performance

Brand Protection

Pharma Trax solution helping Pharmaceutical companies to eliminate counterfeit products.

Responsive Layout

Sales Territory Management

Solution provide complete ownership visibility of products in supply chain, helping Pharmaceutical management for territory management.

Retina Graphics

Distribution Data Analytics

Pharma Trax solution providing complete distribution data analytics for future demand prediction of specific products in the specific area.

Powerful Performance

Supply Chain Visibility – EPCIS

Pharma Trax implementing Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) to maintain complete record of events during the transactions of pharmaceutical products providing real time visibility of products upon scanning barcode anywhere in the system.

Why choose Us?

Consultation& Imlementation

We offer project and application based Implementation solutions and services to plan, design, implement, deploy and execute Track and Trace solutions for manufacturers, importers, distributors and buyers so as to effectively translate commercial and supply chain needs into a practical sustainable solution.

Why choose Us?


In training session, detailed presentation is delivered and material distributed among the participants. Helping them understand the requirements of phase wise implementation of Serialization Solution in Pakistan. As well as worldwide updated status of implementing Serialization Solution. And requirements of specific region and country wise regulatory bodies.

Why choose Us?

Experience Center

We have in house interactive experience center with live demonstration facility of 2D Data Matrix Serialization Solution at Lahore office. All modules are functional on the spot including mechanical conveyor module, print module, sensor module, scan module, real time data storage, report generation module, rejection module and aggregation module. Solution enables 360 visibility of pharma products in supply chain.


Securing Supply Chain Transparency & Visibility

Purpose of Serialization

Trade has become global and secured supply chain is much needed for end user rights and to secure manufacturers brand equity. Traceability is the ability to mark a product with a unique code that allows the supplier or consumer to trace the product back to its original constituent parts in the event of a manufacturing or contamination issue. Data matrix have been adopted in many applications allowing the storage of much more information such as manufacturer ID, product ID, lot number, expiry date and a unique product identifier. With 2D Data Matrix technology, it is much easier for consumers now to trace the origins of their purchased products by scanning the 2D Data Matrix via their smartphone, providing more security to brand equity and trust for end users.

Advanced Aggregation Solution

Innovating to ensure product safety Bar Coding - Intelligent Digital Coding Zauq Group provides

2D Data Matrix technology, enabling you to encrypt detailed security information to track your products, protect their authenticity and share vital information with consumers.
Digital Solution - Track and Trace software Solution
Zauq Group provides software solution, enabling to track production flow with a unique ID from product to pallet, giving you the visibility.
World Standard - GS1 Standard Solution Provider
Zauq Group provides complete technical support to comply with GS1 standards, which is the advanced technology to eliminate counterfeit.


Print . Scan . Reject

Customizable Solution

Totally Customizable ability to adapt to future changes / standards that Government may adopt and require i-e various data formats. Pharma Trax solution have customization options and flexibility to adopt different working conditions,
Global Solution
Designed to meet the world wide adopted GS1 standards that not only fulfills National Level regulatory requirements but also Qualify the Global standards.
Field Transactions
Mobile App based field transactions cross matching to achieve custom results like – Genuine Product, Territory management, Traceability, product verification.
